Newsletter 6 - Plot Structure & Characters

In this newsletter, I'll be presenting an overview of Act I, we'll discuss the right way to do research, take a look at creating unexpected heroes and learn the Top 6 Hero Musts.
Research: Additional Information
1) Don't discuss the screenplay's plot, title, characters, etc., when interviewing experts. Yes, they will ask, but say you prefer to keep the work confidential during the research/writing phase. Do NOT promise to let them know when the movie comes out. You don't want the interviewee personally involved in the project. Keep it professional.
2) Interviews are important, but another route to gaining intimate insight into characters and even locations is to volunteer. Ask a baker if you can work for a weekend in his shop, volunteer at a police station, help out at the local veterinarians with animals, but don't do something crazy like join a gang to get insight. Danger is what screenwriters write about, they don't live it.