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Newsletter 28 - Advanced Marketing

Newsletter 28 - Advanced Marketing

Are you ready to sign with an agent?

Having a completed screenplay (or TV pilot) isn't enough to land an agent. Here's a checklist of what attracts agents to want to sign a new writer.

Screenplay(s) have placed in contests.
Screenplay(s) has received a recommend from a story analyst.
Producer is interested in optioning the writer's screenplay. 
Writer is open to taking writing assignments.
Writer wants to be fully engaged in the marketing side of screenwriting.
Writer knows how to pitch and is willing to pitch. 
Writer knows his limits - can writer a script in x amount of time.
Writer is willing to take in-person or Zoom meetings.
Writer specializes in a genre or type of writing.
Writer doesn't easily become star struck.
Writer has realistic expectations of WGA minimums for payment.
Writer understands how show business works from A-Z.
Writer open to traveling/working on a movie set. 
Writer provides monthly report to agent on writing/career status (and vice versa = writer gets a report from the agent).
Writer willing to attend pitch festivals, Hollywood events, parties.
Writer open to helping promote the movie (like press interviews). 
Writer is easy going and easy to work with.
Writer is open to changes and understands making a movie is a collaborative process.

In the December 2022 Advanced Marketing Newsletter, we'll cover each of these in details and discuss strategies for landing an agent.


Go through the Agent Checklist. Note any weak areas. We'll discuss how to tighten up those areas in December 2022.