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Genre Study (Free Subscription)

Genre Study (Free Subscription)

In this newsletter, Genre Study of the film Nope (Video), Learn the Rules of the Genres (Article/Promo), Best Ways to Reveal Character (Article), & Dialogue Subtext from 4 Films (Video).

Genre Study: Film NOPE

Learn the Rules of Every Genre

Stop Plot Holes - Learn Screenplay Alchemy. In my new book Screenplay Alchemy,  Unleashing Chat GPT's Magic, I go beyond teaching you how to use AI to prevent structural problems in a screenplay. The ebook covers the rules for every genre and popular sub-genres, assuring the screenwriter has a market savvy knowledge of how producers view genres in accordance with audience expectations.

If you haven't picked a copy yet, click the button below and get it today!

Best Ways to Reveal Character

To view this article, please subscribe to the newsletter's paid subscription below.

Dialogue Subtext - A Study of 4 Films (Video)

To view this video, please subscribe to the newsletter's paid subscription.